document.write("01/06/2018 Datawarehouse Access Version:7.2.0 Ladder
[Ref:CGBJ0616] Did not take into account Multi buy discount

12/12/2014 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:7.1.0 RELEASE
201412120917 Added TLOrdAcc (Order account) and TLOrdRef (Order Ref) to Translines
201412121815 Added Run option /run:9

12/12/2014 Datawarehouse Access Version:7.1.0 Ladder
201412120917 Added TLOrdAcc (Order account) and TLOrdRef (Order Ref) to TransLines

11/11/2014 Datawarehouse Access Version:6.10.5 Ladder
201411111627 No discount matrix update /NODISCOUNT

24/06/2014 Datawarehouse Access Version:6.10.4 Basil
Added support for Stock Alt code Database

16/01/2013 Datawarehouse Access Version:6.10.3 Basil
Big Fix: Did not run if scheduled

04/12/2012 Datawarehouse Access Version:6.10.1 Basil
Loads of changes

24/11/2012 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:6.10.1 Basil
Dropped three contraints:
Stock Location
Stock SerialBatch
TeleSales History

Made it save the First/Last dates without Cust/Stock records existing

Loads of work on starting where finished off

15/11/2012 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:6.10.0 Basil
Fixed bug ware the Stock Locations First/Last dates are not updated

10/11/2012 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:6.10.0 Basil
Added the following 30 chr User fields 6-10 (IRIS V6.9 onwards) in table:
Transaction Header
Transaction Lines
Job JBUserDef4
Also fixed the timings in the Activity Logs

10/11/2012 Datawarehouse Access Version:6.10.0 Basil
Added the following 30 chr User fields 6-10 (IRIS V6.9 onwards) in table:
Transaction Header
Transaction Lines
Job JBUserDef4
Also fixed the timings in the Activity Logs

22/06/2010 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:6.3.1 Scotland
Skipped error on last dates at end of update

25/05/2010 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:6.2.0 Scotland
OLD Btrieve object removed, thus JobAnalysisTotals is affected which was updated by proc UpdateJobVars. Plus GetVAT Date is now got from COM Toolkit

25/05/2010 Datawarehouse Access Version:6.2.0 Scotland
OLD Btrieve object removed, thus JobAnalysisTotals is affected which was updated by proc UpdateJobVars. Plus GetVAT Date is now got from COM Toolkit

05/05/2010 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:5.6.21 Alex
Changed the tagging in thTagged to be the tag number

01/05/2008 Datawarehouse Access Version:2.1.37 Barry CDI
Big Fix: found when notes goes over 32Kb failes to update record. Now only exports 10kb of notes

05/10/2007 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:5.6.16 Barry CDI
Found that the THTotalSettledInBase was not being compared when doing an audit, causeing allocated records not to be reflected, so fixed

05/10/2007 Datawarehouse Access Version:2.1.35 Barry CDI
Found that the THTotalSettledInBase was not being compared when doing an audit, causeing allocated records not to be reflected, so fixed

19/06/2007 Datawarehouse Access Version:2.1.34 Barry CDI
Added JBJobTypeCode T35 only uses field if exists

05/02/2007 Datawarehouse Access Version:2.1.33
Handles ` in stock code

05/02/2007 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:5.6.16
Handles ` in stock code

15/01/2007 Datawarehouse Access Version:2.1.32
New Registration added

15/01/2007 Datawarehouse MS SQL Version:5.6.15
New Registration added
